
I started this blog on an old 32-bit Windows XP laptop. I learned the basics of programming in the C programming language and I made blog posts about what I learned. I made some awesome tutorials packed with graphics and even made some videos. Then I made a fairly large PDF with all of that information. And it was good.

But now I am coming back to all of that and find it a bit dated. My new laptop is 64 bits and runs Windows 8.1. I no longer want to program using Crimson Editor (now called Emerald Editor). So I have taken down all the old articles, videos, and tutorials, and I am starting over.

This is not the slick website of a professional programmer. It's a simple blog run by someone who is bored a lot and does not do crossword puzzles. Unless my situation changes, all the tools I use will be free tools. I hope this site will grow to be a useful resource again.

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